Fail2Ban monitoring MySQL

Fail2Ban monitoring MySQL

I’ve only started using Fail2Ban recently and at that only since I have started using the WordPress WP Fail2ban plugin – which I will post again about that at a later date. For now though I will write about how I have added MySQL as a monitored...
A new toy – Um – Now to test it!

A new toy – Um – Now to test it!

So – yesterday my new toy arrived. What better way to test it than by writing a post to see how it goes? What is this new toy I hear you ask? Well lets face it-it would be pretty pointless mentioning it if I don’t actually tell you anything about it now...
RIP Mr Jobs

RIP Mr Jobs

As much as I don’t like the whole MAC fan thing, I do appreciate what Steve jobs has given to the IT industry over the years.  The changes and innovation he has instigated have made the rest of the community sit up and take notice.  From these there is now a...