Been a while
OK, so it has been a while since the last update and a lot has happened. There has been some paint, some sand, some plaster, some levelling and some more stripping.
The comms equipment has been moved into the walk-in loft which has opened up the old kitchen to have work start on it. The first part of that was sand blasting the brick wall and the timbers. This sandblasting then continued into the two front rooms where the old timbers and the fire place have also been sandblasted. The last section to be blasted was the small bit of brick and timber that was left in the lounge.
The old kitchen has also had a load of plaster stripped off the walls to asses the state on the walls and dampness, which may in fact be cold spots.
On top of that the plastering work has continued with the upstairs probably being finished tomorrow. The downstairs has had more plasterboard go up, the kitchen, utility and loo have has self levelling compound laid on the floor and have also had a first coat of paint in preparation for the kitchen being fitted next week.